2002-03-11 – 8:17 PM
Been an eventful couple of months. I got a new position at Equifax, where I’ve worked the past three years. I just changed departments. In some ways, I’m starting over, but going there with the knowledge I have, it’s not a total new start. And yet, I get a position that’s more to my liking and I feel like I’m still somehow moving forward, which is important to me. As of last week, my new job title is Business Solutions Consultant. All this really means is that when Sales has sold a customer on using us to approve you for a credit offer of some sort (auto loan, credit card) or maybe you’re trying to get a rental car, etc., we’re the service that customer wants to use, and my job is to get them set up for it. I write the criteria specs and submit them to programming and handle whatever other issues need handling to make sure Customer X is a happy camper. I’m looking forward to this new challenge, even though if you’d told me 5 years ago that I would ever be trying to keep a customer happy one day, I’d have laughed at you. Never saw myself in such a position, but this is soooo much different than retail.
On the home front, the last couple of weeks have been spring cleaning. I spent the past weekend reorganizing my comic collection, literally for the first time in almost a decade. Partly this was a result of moving around during grad school and even here in Atlanta before I bought my home. I never felt rooted before I bought my house, even tho I still lived in my last apartment longer than my townhouse. So, the whole collection was never in one place. Whew, what an ordeal! I still have a tiny piece of it outstanding, but it may wait for another weekend. I want to finish my other cleaning this week so that when I bring my kitties back this weekend, the house will be prepared for them to trash!
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