2005-01-24 – 5:33 PM
This is from the “Yes, I am insane – thanks for asking” department:
Sitting at work during lunch today I was checking out airfare to various places. There was an awesome fare to Australia listed at Clark Howard’s site – with tax $1,070 – which I’ve never seen from Atlanta. I’ve seen under $1k only from LA. If I hadn’t just put in the new transmission, I would have been sorely tempted.
So, first time since November of 2003 that I haven’t had plans to go somewhere sometime. Nothing, nada, zilch… it’s a weird feeling… So, where maybe? Rome? I keep getting the Italy suggestion a lot lately. I’ve also thought a lot about Peru. I really want to take the Incan trail to Macchu Picchu. But I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet. I would sort of like to know some spanish first. Is that just an excuse? I went to Mexico once already and know no spanish. Certainly anywhere that Gringos come to spend money, the locals have learned enough of our language to communicate. But in the back of my mind, the trip is somehow less if I haven’t gone to that extent… I dunno… I’ll think about it.
So, you’re wondering where the insanity part plays in by now? I’m considering, get this, driving to Mexico in May! The next RCPM show is in mid-May. Granted, I could fly again, and it probably wouldn’t be anymore expensive. If I found airfare in the same range as last time, it would certainly probably equal out to hotels and gas and all that. I figured out it’s basically a 24+ hour drive. Now, I could make it in two days, but I figured on about 4 days out and 3 days back (sight-seeing less on the return). This isn’t including time in MX itself… The idea is tempting… I haven’t had a long road trip in years and nothing ever that would compare to this… tempting…
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