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Being Sick Ain’t No Fun

I started feeling kinda poorly the end of last week, scratchy throat, sniffles – the usual. Was hoping allergies. Went home for an early rendition of Dad’s birthday (which is actually this coming Friday). With luck the folks won’t look back on the visit as the coming pestilence. Saturday and Sunday I continued to feel worse.

Only drove back to Atlanta Sunday because I had a big project shipping Monday that no one else knows… great… By Monday morning, I was sure that I had a feeling for what the walking dead feel like in the zombie movies. I went to work with the idea of getting said project ready to go and then going home… of course, nothing is ever that easy… said project had issues… and more issues… and I skipped lunch (not that I felt like eating really) and struggled through six hours… not quite a full day… And then I limped home and collapsed. I could tell before I left work that I was having flashes of fever. Still am…

Today, I was dead lazy… the alarm went off for when I’d normally prepare for work… I got up, called in, and collapsed again… I woke up around 11am… checked voice mail (forgot to change it to say I was out). I had breakfast/lunch (crackers) and lay on the couch and watched the rest of Season 2 of Greatest American Hero. In my state, that was only a couple of hours (which was what I lacked) before the hot flashes of fever knocked me on my butt again. More sleep was followed by more sleep… followed by an hour of Season 1 of Kids in the Hall. At least I’m moving through some DVD’s I thought as Fever #303033 broke.

Since the end of the cupboards was in sight, I had to get out for a bit. Feeling better than I was, I ran a couple of errands, returned a couple of things to Home Depot and stopped by the post office before Kroger. Kroger… what an experience… I would have been in and out if not for the lines at the regsters… I went solely for the “U-Scan” line so I could be in and out quick… no dice… despite the sign that says 15 items or less, eveyone ahead in the lanes had BUGGIES full of items… nice… I’m standing behind more people (with a couple of items). They look like they are fuming, but I literally am – I can feel the heat rising off of me… great… I’m going to be a vector in some CDC study any day now.. When I finally got my turn with a register it kept stopping and asking for “cashier assistance.” I’m getting pretty ticked and the cashier manning those registers kept treating me like a retard… I silently hoped that he would catch the bubonic plague from me… Finally he realized that the register scale was broken and it couldn’t tell that I was bagging my items… well, gee, thanks Sherlock…

Back home I had a brief whine fest with my Mom. She, of course, recommends the doctor. I’m 98% sure that it’s a cold and the only thing the doctor would tell me is to take aspirin and wait it out… I’ve had enough sinus infections to recognize those… And my sinuses are much clearer today than the previous two… my hearing is almost clear… just the repeating fever and a bit of a cough now… I think I’m on the road to recovery.. Maybe back to work tomorrow or Thursday… we’ll see…

In the meantime, either more reading or TV… or sleep… sounds good… I think the cats are starting to recognize me as one of their own…

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