Book Shelf - Default Image


So, I’ve been nearly absentee lately. Terribly behind on responding to messages and comments, etc., but the end of the year has had my real world life hopping. Work, work, work and no time to even think about my trip at the end of the month! One more week of work and then off on vacation until January 11th – ahh, this is the way to do it!

Okay, first off, something I’ve been wanting to talk about but was:

A) Afraid to jinx myself


B) Unable to comment on until official

I got a new job! I still work for the same company, but I’m going to be out of the production side of the picture and working as a project manager in our sales vertical. Possibility of some travel if I get the customer I’m expecting. That would mean perhaps monthly or more trips to Chicago. And, I’ll work out of my home. Even though my commute is 5 miles, the traffic in my part of Alpharetta is mad ugly some days, so I’ll enjoy rolling out of bed and going to work in the next room! This was the second time I had interviewed for one of these positions, so a really great birthday present for me! I don’t start until Feb 5th, but looking forward to my new year!

Since deviant Art recently added basic print accounts for all users, I decided to put up a few of my most popular deviations as prints, and lo and behold I actually had a sale this week. That’s a first!

Shortly off to bed. Fighting a sinus infection and on like week three. The first round of antibiotics were not enough and I started round 2 today… I think it may go back to my cold a freaking month ago… grrr!!!

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