Life is a State of Mind

I guess you could say a fair bit has been going on in my life this year.  After a decade working with the same company, I’ve decided to cut ties and try something new.  When I figure out what that is, I’ll let you know!  It’s a long involved story for one on one time if you care, but this was the right thing for me to do right now and although it’s a little scary in this economy, I don’t remember being happier in quite some time.  My intentions right now are simply to sell my house and take whatever I can get and add it to my rainy day funds.  Once that’s done, I plan to travel for a bit, definitely Europe, plus maybe a spot or two besides if I can swing it.

When I get back and my mental batteries are recharged, it will be time to determine a new course in my life.  Maybe school, maybe volunteer for Americorps or otherwise find some nonprofit work.

So, if you’ve wondered where I’ve been, it’s mostly been cleaning and packing.  I need to get my life in order so that I can shake it up!

In the meantime, I’ve done very little photography wise, but in March, I did get a neat opportunity to go with some other photographers to check out the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, GA.  A gorgeous place you should check out if you get the chance!

Going The Distance - Conyers Monastery Georgia Photo
Going The Distance
Hymnal Studies - Conysers Georgia Monastery Photo
Hymnal Studies
Abbey Church Nave - Conyers Georgia Monastery Photo
Abbey Church Nave

There are a few more to see in my Monastery of the Holy Spirit Gallery – hope you’ll check them out!

I also added a couple of photos I took way back in November when I was home for Thanksgiving!  They got lost amongst a sea of pictures but I was particularly happy with how they turned out and finally got back to them!

The first is a lovely old house that’s being slowly renovated on the corner of South Dooly and Walnut streets n Montezuma.  I’ve no idea who lives there now – have always heard it called the Richardson home, but knowt hat family is no longer there.

Winter blue - Montezuma Georgia Mansion Photo
Winter Blue

The second is two houses down from it.  I also am not sure who lives there now but when I was little, our family doctor lived in between these houses and some of his kids lived in this house, which in this photo I’ve been told has  an air of mystery to it.

Montezuma Georgia Victorian Mystery Photo
Winter Mysteries

And a mystery seems an apt place to end this particularly post!


  1. The second house was the Carl Savage home, and he was the son of old Doctor Savage. I believe Mr. Carl was an attorney. His wife was British, I believe, and she and my mother were close friends for awhile. I remember there was a large billiards room. More trivia: Mr. Carl had a daughter named Patricia who gave me my first Nancy Drew books. I remember they were a nice family.

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