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The Brevity Of Life

Yvonne, Jimmy, and Mike Lewis Originally uploaded by Marksda1. 1949 – My Mom’s sister, Yvonne Wilson Lewis (1922-2007) with her sons, Jimmy (1942-2000) and Mike Lewis (born 1944). Today I was on the phone for a long conference call and two times I saw my folks # pop up under my home line. When the…

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The Fates Have Spoken

After Friday’s physical therapy, I was quite sore. Lasted through Saturday, but I woke up Sunday feeling bright eyed. I still have a little catch spot in the side of my leg that hurts, but it’s night and day. I bound up and down the stairs with nary a thought! Perfect timing I’d say as…

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Day one of physical therapy is behind me and I’m encouraged.  My knee felt much better today.  Physical therapy was interesting.  After he evaluated it (and came up with the same thing doc #2 and the orthopedist said), he put a hot pack on it awhile.  Then there was some ultrasound thing, followed by, I…

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Techy Weekend

I had planned to go down and see some art at the Dogwood Festival this weekend as I have the past couple of years.  However, the weather was just plain unappealing and I had no real desire to get out. Last week I started putting together a new website.  I’ve only ever had a free…

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So, I saw the doctor today.  Not my regular doctor who is sick but another in his practice.  I was telling my Mom last night (appointment was yesterday but rescheduled because doctor was out) that I was kind of glad that I was seeing another doctor. 

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Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah

First for just an FYI, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m selling prints of some of my shots at Imagekind, a print on demand service.  These are nice prints and you can get them professionally matted and framed by the same service. Feel free to spread the word.  If there are shots you’ve seen here…

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Not that I Needed This

Saw the doctor today for my follow-up on the knee problem. And… Arthritis… or rather the beginnings of arthritis…  possibly caused by some sort of injury to my knee earlier in life.  I think I may remember it.  I’m not the most graceful person on earth, so lord knows I could have banged my knees…

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Achy Old Joints

So, I saw the doctor today about the pain in my left knee. Nothing readily wrong with it. So, he prescribed an anti-inflammatory and sent me for x-rays.  I go back a week from Thursday to review the x-rays and see how things are.  If I’m lucky, I’ve just unwittingly pulled a muscle or tendon…

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I Was Really There

Car back! Still without a decent computer, but at least I can cart my butt around again. Baby steps, people, baby steps… Without my laptop, I haven’t really looked at these in detail, but just skimming them gave me the sensation I was about to hop back on that bus in the morning. Getting ahead…

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Off To A Bang

Okay, to put things in perspective, it’s not the end of the world, not remotely, but I’m hoping that beginning the year with a weather-canceled street party is not indicative of where 2007 is going. Summing up my return to the U.S. of A. Nearly missed a tight connecting flight from Newark to Atlanta.  Barely…

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Edinburgh Blues

Last day in Edinburgh. Tomorrow morning, I fly out at 9am… per Edinburgh Airport, that means I should be there at 6am… ouch… So, today needs to have an early conclusion so I can be done packing and all that fun stuff. I left with a 32 pound backpack, and I don’t think I’ve added…

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Scotland: Time Flies

I’ve one more full day in Scotland to report on and am days behind in updating my blog. What a combo… Ullapool to Fort Augustus More beautiful scenery and history. That was true every day of the trip to the point that it becomes hard to really describe it. Among other places, we stopped in…

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Skye’s The Limit

Yesterday was an entire day just on the Isle of Skye. The weather was decent, not perfect but good. Some occasional mist but really there was some sun, and it is Scotland in winter, so will not complain. Since we were spending another night on Skye in Kyleakin (think I spelled that right), the morning…

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Edinburgh: All Wet

Some of you may have seen on the news that Edinburgh’s street party was cancelled last night. All told since I’d been before, this wasn’t crushing news for me. It was still a unique event in my life. After dinner (chicken sandwich at a place called “Wannaburger” or something like that – probably a chain…

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Edinburgh: Multiplicity

As beautiful as yesterday was, today was its antithesis, but I’d read as much about today’s weather. I had a very late start. I think I stirred this morning around the appropriate time to wake-up, but I thought better of it. I didn’t actually wake up until about 10:30am local time. And by the time…

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So, I’ve been nearly absentee lately. Terribly behind on responding to messages and comments, etc., but the end of the year has had my real world life hopping. Work, work, work and no time to even think about my trip at the end of the month! One more week of work and then off on…

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November Already?

Busyish Saturday once I finally started moving.  I wasn’t really up and about until close to noon.  I had this grand plan to get up early and go get my emissions done and also get an oil change and the transmission fluid changed.  Maintenance to do and it’s time for that annual emissions test so…

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Something of an Update

It was pointed out recently that it’s been awhile since I’ve posted much outside of my photos. There’s a plethora of reasons for that, but by and large boring. When I’ve had spare time lately, my life has been either taking pictures or editing them. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a hobby suck…

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How I Spent My Day

So, I guess if you don’t stroke your own ego, who will? I did go down to the My Atlanta photo show in Piedmont Park today and posted four of my Atlanta shots from between now and spring. All of them are featured in a previous journal at my deviant art gallery. Now, putting this…

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Work Week’s End

As always, work week has been rough and I’m looking forward to some comparable weekend downtime. I recently finished working through all of my pictures of Italy. It’s not that I don’t have tons more from both local travel and just around town. It’s just that gets me back to the old where to go…

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Burned Out

Saturday saw an early start. My intention was to be amongst the Redwoods for Sunrise. This was possible only because I am three hours outside of my time zone in my favor. Still, I didn’t go to bed early, so it wasn’t exactly a fun awakening when the alarm went off. Was supposed to meet…

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California or Bust

As it’s almost 11pm and I’ve plans to get up ridiculously early to meet Aaron and June, this installment will be necessarily short. For those not in the know, I’m out in San Jose for a business meeting on Monday that I’m thankfully able to make a long weekend out of. As these chances don’t…