
Entertainment is ultimately a most human endeavor! We love to be entertained whether it’s a catchy song on the radio, a book you can’t put down, a sitcom that makes you smile, or the exploits of a science fiction hero. These are the entertainment subjects that make me sit down and enjoy myself and odds are if you’ve found my little corner of the internet you love some of the same entertainment subjects that I do!

I particularly love music as a whole. I love the beat, the rhythm, and the lyrics. And music has very much been a timestamp for my life. I can hear something from when I was in college, and I’m there again. I can remember some moment, maybe friends who enjoyed the same song or artist. I’m amazed at how much emotion can be tied in a song, both that of the songwriter as well as what the listener brings to it with their own memories of encountering the work.

I love all most Genres of TV, Movies, and literature, but as you’ll see I’m especially into science fiction and fantasy. From superheroes to time travelers, I’m game to give most fiction in this wide category a try.

Hope you enjoy my random thoughts on entertainment topics that I love and I hope you’ll share your thoughts, too.

Dive Into Entertainment

LGBTQ+ Stories and Media

All Of Us Strangers 2023

All Of Us Strangers Wrecked Me

Okay, if you haven’t seen All Of Us Strangers don’t read this first. See the movie when you can. Gay or straight I think there’s something for you in this film. If you keep reading after this then you are spoiling it for yourself… I had seen the previews for this film and kept hearing…

Beyonce vs Mercury Meme Misses The Point

Beyonce vs Mercury Meme Misses The Point

Ah, don’t you love inter-generational rivalry? My music/clothes/cars/whatever-else-you-have trumps yours! If there’s anything that’s fair game it’s that whatever is new is always crap compared to my generation! And as sure as you roll your eyes when someone says it about the things you like today, given time, you’ll probably utter a similar treatise on…

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Rockfest 1999

As many years as I’ve blogged (off and on, not consistently I fear), it’s amazing to me some time to look back on memories that I was sure I blogged and discover, nope I didn’t. It’s like my memories are somehow now in text form even if they aren’t?! Take today, I was reminded of…

Thanks for Ten Great Years

Farewell Smallville

The end of an era, the end of Smallville. It’s funny actually, the entire first season of Smallville had passed before I watched the first episode. The second season was underway already! Partly work was to blame, but mostly I had written the show off without seeing it. It was basically Dawson’s Creek mixed with…

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The Automatic LIVE

Exausted but well pleased! Deramtologist visit this afternoon in Buckhead area and then loitering about as long as I could before wandering down to Vinyl to catch The Automatic in their last US show before going back to the UK to continue touring. The opening act, Modern Society, was pretty good.  I think more of…