
Welcome to the Essays section of Prezactly, where I explore topics that have shaped my life and perspective. Here you’ll find thoughtful narratives that delve deeper than casual daily observations.

Recent essays focus on my queer journey and the complex experience of coming out in mid-life. But this section spans years of writing, where my writing and I have both evolved. Each piece represents what was important to me at the time I sat down to share my thoughts.

These writings aim to connect, to make sense of life’s moments and how societ shapes us an we shape society. My education many years ago was in sociology and psychology and although I have never worked in either realm it still shapes how I observe and think about the world and my experiences in it.

While the subjects vary, what ties these essays together is their deliberate approach to storytelling and their importance in my ongoing narrative. Think of this section as a collection of meaningful conversations. Both my internal dialogue and my sharing it with you the reader.

Writing On Change and Reflection

Artwork depicting Matthew Shepard in profile view - remembering how his death impacted me decades ago

The Enduring Influence of Matthew Shepard: A Gay Man’s Perspective 26 Years Later

Twenty-six years have passed since Matthew Shepard’s brutal murder, yet the event still brings tears to my eyes. Talking about this sometimes feels self-indulgent; I’ve mentioned it in past essays, notably one where feelings I’d disconnected from for years resurfaced fully last year. Until then, I had disconnected from the emotions I experienced surrounding Matthew…

Coming Out Late: Accepting My Sexuality Without Clear Milestones

Coming Out Late: Accepting My Sexuality Without Clear Milestones

Going Off The Script Most gay men seem to have a story of coming to accept their sexuality. It might be long or short especially depending on their generation and other factors, but most I’ve spoken with regardless of having come out “late” or not have definitive moments they realized they were gay and the…

Madonna being dipped by a blonde dancer in a tux - Regan Patno

Queer Representation Matters When We’re Growing Up

Watching the Oscars recently, I had one of those little flashbacks. Nothing mind-blowing just dropping into life circa 1985. This was before we had MTV but there was Nick Rocks on Saturdays when Nickelodeon aired videos. And Madonna’s Material Girl video captured my attention in multiple ways. What made me think of this during the…

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Body Issues

For anyone who has known me in person, my body issues have been on public display for most of my life. In fact, I remember all the way back in kindergarten that I was Santa in our Christmas play because some of my classmates suggested I fit the role because I was fat. I look…

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Things I Wanted To Forget

This post was originally my third post on accepting my queerness. Those first two original posts are less relevant now and I just add extra complexity. This current post about my queer journey although not first chronologically is a good introduction if you want to know more. However this post does help understand some of…

Needs Versus Wants

Needs Versus Wants

It’s been two months since I had a full-fledged iPhone at my disposal. And not only has it been a cheaper two months, it’s been an oddly liberating experience. I’ve read about various people taking digital sabbaticals over the past year and honestly wasn’t moved to try it for myself. You see, I do like gadgets….

Rebuilt Pop Up Camper

Camper Re-Use

Sorry for the absence in internet land. When the weather finally looked up again here, I spent my time hunting for a phantom energy drain in the camper van. Considering my relative lack of knowledge about all things automotive, I’m proud to have finally traced the drain back to a faulty alternator that was still…

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Commercial World

One of my favorite videos on the subject of commercialism is the story of stuff. If you haven’t seen it before, I highly recommend it. It provides an awesome explanation of why our current cycle of consumerism can’t last forever. In a nutshell, we use more and more resources on goods that are largely disposed…

Slave to the Grind

Slave to the Grind

I’ve shared my own story already, so I’ll try no to re-tread there too much. It’s taken me awhile to get to this topic for the very reason that I did share my story and I’m hard pressed to come up with a lot to add but I’d like some conversation with others who have…