
It’s hard to believe it’s been over 20 years since I started keeping an online journal. I think but am not positive that this started on blogger. There’s not 20 years of daily posts here but there are a lot of little bits and pieces of my life. There are memories in my journal from what I had for lunch today to heartbreaking loss. And lots of in between moments.

If you’re here reading my musings past and present, welcome and thank you. And don’t be a stranger, drop me a note sometime!

Lois Hudson Walden Obituary

Goodbye Aunt Lois

We found out Sunday that the last of my Grandmother’s siblings had passed away. My grandmother, the oldest of ten children, was 25 years older than her baby sister Lois. In fact, Granny got married later the same year Aunt Lois was born. They were still close, though. Not to minimize anyone’s grief as we…

Screenshot of a photo posted on Facebook

Web of Lies

There’s an element of our society that I’ll never understand. Well, there are probably many, but specifically, it’s the people who cook up stories and post them online and wait for their falsehoods to spread. I’m not talking politics or scandals here, but just completely fake stories with no motivation I can understand, often with…

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Getting The Red Out

It’s fun when something amusing happens in the mist of misery! Okay, I exagerrate, but it’s allergy season and medicine puts a dent in it but at the peak of whatever pollens are hitting me, it’s never a complete reversal of the symptoms. This week has been particularly rough on the eyes which to me…

My Pinterest Boards are much fewer Tonight

Pinterest on Pause

My last three posts are something of a roller coaster, but this will probably be my last on the subject of Pinterest for awhile. As I explained previously, I’m good with people sharing my work so long as it links back to me. After all, word of mouth is powerful advertising! It’s that connection back…

Spotify is Annoying

Spotify is Annoying

I’ve tried to like Spotify, and I suppose as a service where I can listen to new music – i.e. try before buying, it works but beyond that I don’t understand what the fuss is all about. I find it about as user friendly as a rash. Half the time when I listen to music…

Follow Me So I can Not Follow You Anymore

The Twitter Effect

In case you were wondering, this is an excellent illustration of what I don’t like about Twitter and it’s cousin, Google Plus. If you’re wondering what you’re looking at, it’s not a piece of strange art but an anonymous screenshot for someone who uncircled me this evening on G+. In this person’s circles, 30 people…

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Absolutely Random

I need to do a separate post on Doctor Who thus far this series, but I will go ahead and say my favorite episode so far is without question The Doctor’s Wife – the episode written by Neil Gaiman.  I think I watched it four times, the only episode this series I’ve watched twice already. I…

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A Year Later

Hard to believe it’s been over a year since I put my house up for sale and left my employer of  a decade in the metro Atlanta area.  It’s actually more in the range of a year and a month, I’d literally lost count and thought it was this month.  How time flies! I expected…

Extended Stays

So, last Friday was my final day at Equifax.  I’ll still be back and forth to Atlanta for a bit until I move my stuff in storage and won’t entirely cut ties until I manage to sell my house, but soon, I’ll get to move onto another chapter of my life.  A little travel and…

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I Can Laugh Now

Picture this, I had to go to Chicago on a business trip this past week.  There wasn’t a lot of advance notice, but it was not the first time, so I sailed through the trip arrangements and off I went. Arrived Monday afternoon for an all day meeting Tuesday.  Tuesday flew by, quite busy, and…

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New Posts Coming

Okay, I’ve had news of one type or another (nothing overwhelmingly earth shattering or anything), but have just been a complete slacker lately.  I could write one overwhelmingly long post and bore everyone to death, or attempt to break it into smaller more digestible chunks.  I’m going for the chunks route.  At least then news…