
Welcome to the Travels Section of my site.This is where I share the stories and adventures from my past journeys. These were written while the events were still vivid. I wanted to preserve the details and the feelings while they were fresh. As a result, they are reflections of my travels, not polished narratives, but they offer an honest glimpse into the places and people I encountered along the way.

While I haven’t had the chance to travel recently, the memories and stories from trips I’ve taken in the past remain an important part of my life. I hope to return to exploring new destinations, and when that happens, I’ll be eager to share fresh experiences here. Until then, I invite you to journey through my older posts, organized by location and travel-related themes.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own travels or just a glimpse of what it’s like to roam, I hope these stories resonate with you. Life’s adventures may pause for a while, but the memories are always worth revisiting, and I’m excited to have you join me in revisiting mine.

British Locations

European Locations

USA Locations

Other Destinations

Travel Prep and Transits

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Egypt Time

Time is passing quickly here, but it’s passing on Egypt time, which turns out to be very similar to Mexican time. Nothing is quite on time, but no one seems to care so I’m gradually getting used to it again. It does take a shift in mind set, though. We’re not talking a few minutes…

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Coming Undone

Excuse me if I’ve written this before.  It’s entirely possible.  Because every time I travel, there’s this surreal feeling of my life unraveling.  Maybe it’s just symbolic, but from the point I bundle up whatever possessions are going with me and lock the front door, it starts. I close the door on all but approx…

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Art Show & Recap

Fàilte! Time is just flying by day by day, here. Thanksgiving came and went. I felt like I spent a chunk of it back and forth between here and home. The photo show was Friday night. I would have loved to have been there, but it was fun to meet some new people and catch…

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Next Stop?

Well, I’ve been debating this one for quite awhile. I kept waffling.  I discovered that I had built up a pile of points with my American Express card over the past few years.  It helps that up until this month, I could charge work travel to my own card. Once I figured out I could…

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Weekend In Boston

Thursday I flew up to Boston for a Friday meeting for work. Seeing as the airfare was the same Friday afternoon or Monday morning, I was lucky to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to stay through the weekend on my own dime and take a half day off work today. Accommodations It…

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Saturday afternoon and evening, I wandered about Merida with my camera. I recorded some good shots of the city bathed in evening light and a lot of scenes that I felt captured the city, some of the beauty, some of that lovely decay, and anything that would sit still long enough for a click. And…

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Life is a Highway

After yesterday´s long dissertation, I meandered out to find sustenance… and it was Burger King.  Sorry to one and all, but it was bound to happen sooner or later.  You knew it, I knew it. And after my quatro grande, I moved on to see the Trova concert in the park nearby…  I´m beginning to…

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Siesta Time

Well, here I am safely in Merida in the Yucatan state of Mexico.  Funny considering a month and a half ago I could not have found it on a map.  At this point, I´ve thoroughly read the Merida part of my Lonely Planet Yucatan guidebook and I´ve even retained some of it. Flight down was…

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The Fates Have Spoken

After Friday’s physical therapy, I was quite sore. Lasted through Saturday, but I woke up Sunday feeling bright eyed. I still have a little catch spot in the side of my leg that hurts, but it’s night and day. I bound up and down the stairs with nary a thought! Perfect timing I’d say as…

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Day one of physical therapy is behind me and I’m encouraged.  My knee felt much better today.  Physical therapy was interesting.  After he evaluated it (and came up with the same thing doc #2 and the orthopedist said), he put a hot pack on it awhile.  Then there was some ultrasound thing, followed by, I…

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Edinburgh Blues

Last day in Edinburgh. Tomorrow morning, I fly out at 9am… per Edinburgh Airport, that means I should be there at 6am… ouch… So, today needs to have an early conclusion so I can be done packing and all that fun stuff. I left with a 32 pound backpack, and I don’t think I’ve added…

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Scotland: Time Flies

I’ve one more full day in Scotland to report on and am days behind in updating my blog. What a combo… Ullapool to Fort Augustus More beautiful scenery and history. That was true every day of the trip to the point that it becomes hard to really describe it. Among other places, we stopped in…

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Skye’s The Limit

Yesterday was an entire day just on the Isle of Skye. The weather was decent, not perfect but good. Some occasional mist but really there was some sun, and it is Scotland in winter, so will not complain. Since we were spending another night on Skye in Kyleakin (think I spelled that right), the morning…

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Edinburgh: All Wet

Some of you may have seen on the news that Edinburgh’s street party was cancelled last night. All told since I’d been before, this wasn’t crushing news for me. It was still a unique event in my life. After dinner (chicken sandwich at a place called “Wannaburger” or something like that – probably a chain…

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Edinburgh: Multiplicity

As beautiful as yesterday was, today was its antithesis, but I’d read as much about today’s weather. I had a very late start. I think I stirred this morning around the appropriate time to wake-up, but I thought better of it. I didn’t actually wake up until about 10:30am local time. And by the time…

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November Already?

Busyish Saturday once I finally started moving.  I wasn’t really up and about until close to noon.  I had this grand plan to get up early and go get my emissions done and also get an oil change and the transmission fluid changed.  Maintenance to do and it’s time for that annual emissions test so…

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Work Week’s End

As always, work week has been rough and I’m looking forward to some comparable weekend downtime. I recently finished working through all of my pictures of Italy. It’s not that I don’t have tons more from both local travel and just around town. It’s just that gets me back to the old where to go…

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Burned Out

Saturday saw an early start. My intention was to be amongst the Redwoods for Sunrise. This was possible only because I am three hours outside of my time zone in my favor. Still, I didn’t go to bed early, so it wasn’t exactly a fun awakening when the alarm went off. Was supposed to meet…

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California or Bust

As it’s almost 11pm and I’ve plans to get up ridiculously early to meet Aaron and June, this installment will be necessarily short. For those not in the know, I’m out in San Jose for a business meeting on Monday that I’m thankfully able to make a long weekend out of. As these chances don’t…

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The Long Ride Home

So, it’s Sunday, and I finally have the energy to relate the journey back to metro ATL. I was good for my word and got an early start. Unfortunately, I had piddled about the night going through the photos from the day and such, so I got only about 6 hours of sleep. In the…

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It’s History

Last day in Williamsburg. Ah, a mixture of melancholy. More to do, but time to go. Although I had dreams of making an early start today, I was wiped last night. I notied glancing over my BLOG from last night that I made some really bad typos. I mean, there are typos, and then there…

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Another Day in Virginia

Wow, it’s quiet tonight; I mean needle-hit-the-floor-and-echoes quiet. I didn’t realize the level of noise here until tonight. You see, the same day I arrived here, a bus load of high school students descended as well. Every room around me was filled with them. They were failry well-behaved, but it’s still a lot of kids,…