England Wrap Up and Arts News
I’ve been back in the states for over a week now. There are days it feels like I never left in the first place. There are always a little bit of the blues whena trip ends. That’s how you know I had a good time.
There’s not much to say about the trip back other than I completely wrenched some muscles in my back. I have no idea what my bag weighed going out, but I looked a the weight at the check-in at Gatwick airport and when I converted from kg to lbs, it was around 43lbs! I believe a small child stowed away in my bag somewhere. With compliments to my pack, when it was on my back I didn’t feel it, but everytime I hefted it up there, I did. It felt heavier to me and I still don’t know how. I swear I did NOT bring much back beyond the odd fridge magnet and assorted very trivial and tiny souvenirs. I brought back freaking carved rocks from Mexico that didn’t weigh me down as much. I’m sticking to the story that a small child (or midget) made their way to the states unbenowest to me. It took nearly the week since for my back to sort itself.
Oh, I was frisked more than once and had my carry on luggage searched at Gatwick. I have never gotten through Gatwick without being singled out for a frisking. On the happy column (not the frisking), the plane had a lot of empty seats. Bad for Delta, great for me. The row of 5 seats I was on had three people. I got to stretch out and read and read (9 hours of reading with maybe a half hour nap).
Anyway, quite settled back in here and I’ve had just a little time to edit some photos. This trip’s gallery is here: England September 2008 Travel Photos
A few of my favs so far:
Last update for the moment is that this weekend I’ll be in Montezuma for the annual Beaver Creek Festival. I’ll have a vendor booth again this year but did not have time to enter the art contest. The vendor booth was a lot of fun last year. I’d been to the festival many years before and you run into a few people,but if you sit in one spot the whole day, it feels like you see everyone you’ve known. Hope to see some of you there!
I’m also participating in the Oakhurst Arts & Music Festival on October 11th. The Atlanta Photography Group is sponsoring a tent and I am taking part and will have work available there. Looking forward to attending!
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