Best Pillow for Side Sleepers?
When you see the photo that goes with this, you may think I’m crazy, but bear with me as I think I found the best pillow for side sleepers – at least it is for me!
I have always liked to sleep on my left side. Every so often I migrate over to my stomach but rarely ever flat on my back. If I sleep on my back it usually means I’m congested and even then I have to sleep propped up on a million pillows to feel vaguely comfortable. But side sleeping just seems to be my natural position. I’m not sure why the left and not the right?
Well, the past several weeks, I’ve had a sore left shoulder. I’m not sure if old age is creeping in or if I’ve done something to aggravate it but it made sleeping on my preferred side uncomfortable and I definitely felt like sleeping on it was aggravating it. I tried the other side but I invariably rolled over. And I would wake up the next day with my left shoulder sore again. Sigh!
I started looking at side sleeper pillows and wow! They were NOT cheap! And honestly they all looked sort of uncomfortable to me – think large wedges of foam with an arm hole. It looked like I’d be paying top dollar to sleep on a pile of sofa cushions with my arm buried in them. It just did not look like the best pillow for side sleepers for me, but I can also safely say I have not spent over a hundred dollars to find out. As I wandered through pages of pillows for side sleepers I stumbled onto maternity pillows. Yes, pillows for pregnant women to rest comfortably and I think they’ve been holding out on us!

You’re laughing at me now aren’t you? I would be too, but I decided for just under $40 what did I have to lose? So I ordered that bad boy! And I have been so happy I did!
In less than a week, my arm has gone from aching to feeling like it’s finally getting to heal. I’m not sure what it’s healing from but it feels better each morning than the one before so clearly I have done something that stressed it. But I think I will be hanging on to my super comfy pillow for good. To give you an idea how comfortable I found it, the afternoon it arrived, I plopped it on the bed and thought, well, I’ll take a second to try it and then get back to work. It was over an hour later before I woke up from my pillow-induced nap. It may not be intended as a pillow for side sleepers, but it’s working great for me. It’s like being cradled between two big bolsters that can’t move apart because they are fused on one end. I rarely sleep in it exactly the same as the model shown above. I haven’t found that putting the long side between my thighs is particularly restful, but just having both sides along my torso is nice. And I have even rolled onto my stomach in it and still works that way. It’s truly hard to describe but having my shoulder in that upper end of the groove is very comforting and since the pillow is so large it doesn’t slip away from me while I sleep.
Its size is probably the only drawback for some of you out there. If you sleep alone, no big deal. I sleep solo on a full size bed and there’s scant room left with it on there. I think this might be another option if you’re looking for the best pillow for side sleepers and you don’t sleep alone.

Since that pillow loops over the shoulder in a similar manner, I’d be tempted to try it as another pillow for side sleepers. That’s the part of the pillow that feels best to me so I think it might be almost as comforting as the one I have. But I don’t plan to try it right now as I’m perfectly happy with my big cradle! I don’t think I realized how much better my sleep could be. If I hadn’t been having shoulder pain I wouldn’t have gone on my quest for a pillow for side sleepers but I think I have found a permanent companion as a result! Ha!
Want to check these out for yourself?
[btn text=”See The Maternity Pillow On Amazon” borderradius=”7px” link=”” tcolor=”#ffffff” bcolor=”#0e2e8e” thovercolor=”#ffffff” bhovercolor=”#990f0f” icon=”kt-icon-bag” target=”true”]
[btn text=”See The Contour Pillow On Amazon” borderradius=”7px” link=”” tcolor=”#ffffff” bcolor=”#0e2e8e” thovercolor=”#ffffff” bhovercolor=”#990f0f” icon=”kt-icon-bag” target=”true”]
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