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You’re Getting Very Sleepy…

Had my doctor’s appointment on Thursday. It is a pulled muscle that’s causing the pain in my side. They’re muscle spasms and can be brought on by something as minor as breathing. Yay!! I’m glad it’s nothing more serious, but I’ll be glad for it getting better. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling and gave me a muscle relaxer to take at bed time. I took half of one last night. Combined with that and being out late, I can’t lay back on the couch to watch TV without nodding off.

Thursday was one of those hell days at work that we all love so much. I ended up being there from 7:30am until 11pm minus the two hours that I spent with the doctor, getting my prescription filled, and grabbing lunch to take back with me. On the plus side, no loss to my sick time for the year thanks to that long day. On the down side, I still had so much to do that I needed to be at work on time Friday. And Friday, although not as heinous, was a long day.

And Friday night was a late night. Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers – my favorite band – were in town Friday night for a show. Since I didn’t have to be at work the next morning, I stayed and talked to some other fans and got to see Roger for a few minutes. This band certainly attracts some really awesome people to their shows and their message boards. I’ve never intentionally seen a musical act more than once except for RCPM. I got home about 3am. And despite closing the drapes in my room to seal out light and taking the muscle relaxer, I still woke up a little after 10am this morning.

Talked to Brian (my cousin) last evening while sitting in horrible traffic (Atlanta traffic on a normal Friday is bad enough, but this is the Friday before Spring break). We’re going to try to see Hellboy this weekend. I only got turned on to Mike Mignola’s character and stories in the last year. I kept hearing about it for years and finally got tempted by Chris at the shop to give it a whirl. Now I own most of the trades and am anxious to see the movie. We didn’t set a time yet, but I’m hoping for a Sunday matinee so that I have time to catch up on some rest today.

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