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Christmas is nearly here and I’m almost too caught up in preparing for my trip to notice. Today, I met up with April for our annual Christmas meal and gift-exchange. I’d suggested using the gift certificate I won at the office Christmas party for Ray’s Killer Creek today. Wasn’t aware that they have a Breakfast brunch on Sundays. It was actually quite enjoyable, though. We ate a little after lunch, but anyone who knows me is aware that I’m more likely to eat food that is traditionally served at Breakfast for later meals! Worked for me!

I bought April a copy of Emmett Otter’s Jugband Christmas. The DVD came out a couple of years ago and is no longer in release. She lost her copy when her home burned down earlier this year. So, I felt pretty comfortable with the gift choice.

She got me a copy of the first Season of Kids in the Hall on DVD. She had asked a couple of times for suggestions. I had mentioned my want list at Deep Discount DVD ultimately. This wasn’t on the list, though. And this is why I like people to just figure out gifts on their own. This is something I will totally enjoy and hadn’t thought to add to my list. One of the only comedy shows I’ve been to since I’ve lived in Atlanta was when the Kids in the Hall played the Tabernacle.

Meanwhile, it’s rained and spit snow a good deal of the day. Right now, a howling wind is letting us know that winter is here. Tomorrow may not get above freezing. Three days of work and I’m out of here for Christmas with the family followed by my trip to the UK. I’ll be away from work two solid weeks! Yessss!!!

Funny enough, I looked at the long range forecast for Edinburgh today and there’s a 70% chance of snow on New Year’s eve. Now, snow is not as common there as you might think. It’s not rare like it is here, but there’s not a blanket of snow all winter. It’s typically just wet and cold. So, if there is actually snow (and we know how accurate long rage forecasts can be), that will be a very cool way for me to greet 2005.

One Comment

  1. just wanted to let you know I bought a copy on dvd today of Emmett Otter’s Jugband Christmas at Best Buy for $11.99 so if you want on Best Buy is the place to go.I work at Wal Mart and we do not even have it.I was so thrilled to see this dvd because my oldest son watched it as a child over 20 years ago and last I was told it was no longer available so as I said I was so happy to see it for sale at Best Buy and I bought 2 copies. Robin

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