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Being Sick Ain’t No Fun

I started feeling kinda poorly the end of last week, scratchy throat, sniffles – the usual. Was hoping allergies. Went home for an early rendition of Dad’s birthday (which is actually this coming Friday). With luck the folks won’t look back on the visit as the coming pestilence. Saturday and Sunday I continued to feel…

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Playing Catch-up

So, I haven’t posted anything new in awhile. But other than the usual internal chaos, nothing new to report anyway. Fighting some allergy or something. If it’s a cold, it’s very atypical as I don’t feel congested, feverish. I’m just sneezing and coughing A LOT. The cough is a dry wheeze and nothing is ever…

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Still Tired

I must still be getting over last week’s 65 hours at work. It’s all I immediately have to explain tonight. I got home about 6pm. By 7pm, I was just dragging. Close to 8pm, I decided I’d just lay down in the bed and rest and watch TV awhile. Shortly I decided, ‘Just a wee…

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Yaaayyyy Me!!!

Had third installment of photo class today. Our assignment was to bring in photographs illustrating depth of field and motion (not together!). My motion pictures weren’t, to me, the best, but considering the heat and all last Satuday, walking up to the dam onVickery Creek was more than enough. The instructor didn’t have anything bad…

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Photoclass 2

Just a short one tonight. Second class and increasing camera envy – probably for no good reason. But this is two weeks in a row I’ve come home contemplating that next camera purchase down the road I hope. I definitely feel like my understanding is growing. I have a MUCH more solid feeling for metering,…

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James Doohan – RIP

I have never been a celebrity stalker, but there are still ones I hold in awe. James Doohan was one. Some of my earliest memories of TV are watching re-runs of the original Star Trek. A few years ago, “Scotty” (as I will always remember him) attended DragonCon. It was his last appearance in Atlanta,…

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First Photo Class

Had my first photo class this evening. A definite learning experience – I can already tell that it’s going to be well worth the cost. The time leading up to the actual start of the class was a little intimidating. With only a couple of exceptions, the people in the class had cameras far beyond…

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The Future Is Now

It’s funny, I work in tech – not out of choice but some perverse destiny. I even spent a year plus of college taking programming classes because everyone thought that’s what I should do with my life – before I realized that programming, which I was competent at, bored me. I changed majors, for the…

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Preserving The Past

Have spent the long holiday weekend enjoying time away from the office, but spending the proceeds! Over the course of the weekend, got a TV tuner card, a new 200 gig hard drive, and a wireless keyboard and a wireless mouse. The latter two overlap somewhat, as I got a wireless keyboard which includes a…

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Last night I had a small and perhaps brief break-through with Leo. My formerly stray kitten is still very timid around me. Around other cats, fine, but around people, shy and scared. I’ve been doing everything I can to not do anything sudden around him as I try to win him over. Last night, he…

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Batman Begins

Saw the movie tonight. I had read one not so great review, but I’d also heard word of mouth that the movie was really great. It TOTALLY ROCKED! I don’t have any real nits to pick other than I want more! Batman even during the span of my life has been interpreted and re-interpreted again…

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A Pilgrim’s Tale

End of day 3… Wait, I guess I should begin at the end of Day 2, since I left at the beginning of said day… I didn’t do the B’ham Palace and Westminster deal. I had done both before and the weather was decidely not fun. Instead, I went on a tour of the Victoria…

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Getting Close!

As I sit here sleepily shoving breakfast into my face, I realize that I leave tomorrow night!! London, rainy or not, here I come! I’ve been up night after night late getting the house ready to leave. It’s kind of a combination of spring cleaning and being away cleaning. I’ll come back to nothing to…

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Odds & Ends

Been awhile since I posted. My London trip is almost exactly a week away. Looking forward to time off almost as much as I’m looking forward to roaming around London. On top of the usual “traveling alone?” questions, I’m now getting “will you go somewhere different next time?” questions. Sure, eventually. It’s not like I’ve…

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London – Again?

Yep, I’m going to the Old City on the Thames once more. I never thought I’d say, “going to London, again.” As if there’s something old hat about it. I just really need some time off from work, and well, feeling financially stupid at the moment, so last night, I booked a good fare to…

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Crazy Dreams & RIP

Had some anxiety surface in a dream last night. Not really sure of the source of it at the moment. But in retrospect, the dream was rather funny. I, apparently, was traveling and arrived at the airport with only my backpack, which contained no clothing. I checked the pack in and then when it was…

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Busy Weekend

Saturday was partially a quiet day. I slept in and then worked awhile on my website (changes pending but not published yet). The look of everything will change, but the most changes will probably be in my online albums. I had to find a better way to deal with them. Making those pages was something…