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Oh What A Life

Had to go to the dermatologist today. Adult acne, oh what fun. I guess I was lucky not to have any severe breakouts as a teen, but it doesn’t get easier as an adult. I really don’t have acne in that sense of the word anyway. Normally nothing breaking out, just sealed up acne bumps…

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More Photo Fun

Found another place to display some of my photography. This site I can still make use of some of my lower resolution photos because they’ll only print images up to the best size for that particular image. Hence, most of my stuff, which I know will print well at 5 by 7 is, in fact,…

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Photos For Me

I posted a couple of my larger pictures from London last April. I didn’t take many at a very high resolution, but the guy at the site checked these out and felt that size-wise, they could work. He also mentioned possibly making some sort of option where the photographers could select the largest size something…

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Spring is Coming?

Came home from work today determined to get in some outside time and exercise. I really feel like spring is coming just because I got to wear shorts outside! It was a little cool with the wind, but after ten or fifteen minutes, that feeling passed. While I was home, it was close to 80…

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2005-02-28 – 10:48 AM

This is the last week of my writing class. I’m definitely going to miss it. The structure of having to produce something for class will be gone. I want something that will keep that requirment to produce there. I’ve been hunting around rather aimlessly for a website that needs freebie authors to produce regular content….

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2005-01-26 – 8:53 PM

Had my first creative writing class tonight. Was quite enjoyable. We have several assignments to work on for the next class – some reading, some writing exercises, as well as an ongoing assignment to keep a journal of observances, thoughts, etc. I guess to a degree some of what I put in here fits the…

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2005-01-24 – 5:33 PM

This is from the “Yes, I am insane – thanks for asking” department: Sitting at work during lunch today I was checking out airfare to various places. There was an awesome fare to Australia listed at Clark Howard’s site – with tax $1,070 – which I’ve never seen from Atlanta. I’ve seen under $1k only…

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Edinburgh – Day 4

Very tired today. Slept until nearly 10am. Am having breakfast as I write this. I only have one definite plan today and that’s a tour of “Mary Kings’ Close.” I don’t recall the full history but it’s a section of the city that was walled off during one of the plagues. Most of the people…

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Day 3 – Edinburgh

By and large doing well. My feet are about walked off. I can’t imagine how many miles a day I’ve walked. I know I won’t be walking for the rest of the week when I get back. I don’t think today will involve quite as much walking since I’m not taking a train anywhere (walking…

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Edinburgh Continues

Another morning in Edinburgh. Back in McD’s. Up too early to take advantage of the breakfast provided by the hostel. Haven’t eaten here yet either, so this will probably be short. I had a good time yesterday. Rode the train up to Dunfermline, which is the ancient capital of the Scots. Really picturesque place but…

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2004-12-21 – 8:49 PM

Think I’m ready… I’m done packing. I’m done wrapping Christmas gifts. I think the house is ready for its near abandonment. And yet, that typical feeling of I must be forgetting something is washing over me by the minute. Am I really ready? After all, I am the person who has gotten a half hour…

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2004-12-19 – 2:36 PM

Christmas is nearly here and I’m almost too caught up in preparing for my trip to notice. Today, I met up with April for our annual Christmas meal and gift-exchange. I’d suggested using the gift certificate I won at the office Christmas party for Ray’s Killer Creek today. Wasn’t aware that they have a Breakfast…

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2004-12-15 – 9:53 PM

Family Time Spent the evening over in Lilburn with Brian (my cousin) and Kelly (his GF). This was our nearly annual Christmas get together. This year I brought along National Lampoons’ Christmas Vacation. For me, this is tradition. I don’t know when I began watching this each and every year, but eventually I had to…

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2004-12-13 – 8:00 PM

Making it Happen Well, I’ve spent enough time talking about the possibilities of the New Year. I just registered for a writing class that’s part of Emory’s Lifetime Learning program, i.e. continuing education. I waffled back and forth. There were a couple of classes in which I was interested. I was going to choose a…