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2002-04-16 – 6:43 AM

Have been reading posts to the message board at Atlanta Comicon and just saw a posting for a review of the Con along with photos. I took some digital photos myself, but not too many. Unlike DragonCon where there’s tons of eye candy and elaborate costumes, Atlanta Comicon is more laid back. Not something I’m…

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2002-03-31 – 6:51 PM

I read something similar to this about a year ago when I moved to Alpharetta. Although I have an Alpharetta address, I technically live in unicorporated Fulton County. It’s kind of funny. I grew up inside the city limits of Montezuma, GA. My entire life before this I never lived in the “country.” Of course,…

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2002-03-11 – 8:17 PM

Been an eventful couple of months. I got a new position at Equifax, where I’ve worked the past three years. I just changed departments. In some ways, I’m starting over, but going there with the knowledge I have, it’s not a total new start. And yet, I get a position that’s more to my liking…

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2001-10-09 – 6:00 AM

Celebrated my grandmother’s 91st birthday on Saturday. Her birthday was actually yesterday (the 8th), but our family gathering was Saturday. Had some great aunts and uncles there and a few distant cousins. Only a couple of my first cousins were there, Tim, with his wife, Beth, and their 11 month old, Perry. Brian and his…

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2001-09-20 – 8:20 PM

“Tonight, we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned to anger and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done.” “We have seen their kind before. They’re the heirs of all the murderous ideologies of…

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2001-09-16 – 6:43 PM

Many days without an update but I’ve been relaxing at home with my parents. Friday my Mom and I went to Macon, Warner Robins and Byron and spent too much money shopping. Primarily I got stuff for around my house, but I also got Megatron and Sky Byte from Transformers: Robots in Disguise. I figured…

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2001-09-05 – 7:34 PM

Had an awful headache this evening but three tylenols and a lot of water later and it’s subsided quite a bit. Finished the last of my Superboy Comics this morning over breakfast. Pulled out my own collection last night and discovered that I only duplicated one issue in the purchase, and for 50 cents a…

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Miscellany Life 06

Got a fair bit done today. I slept late today, but managed to get up in time to be comfortably awake when the pest control guy got here. Afterwards, I got my Blazer’s oil changed and tires rotated. Granted I’m sure there are lots more fun things to do on your day off, it was…

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2001-08-19 – 7:08 AM

Not time to say much this morning. I fly to Dallas this afternoon for an audit with our customer tomorrow. There’s a handfull of us from Equifax coming as well as a couple from Citigroup in NY (who bought our old customer). We’re going to watch PPV wrestling tonight at Hooters?? Oh well, definitely there…

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First Post

Well, this is my first post. I’m just testing out blogger to see if it will do what I want it to. It’s been a long week and I brought work home with me. I’m still getting over a touch of poison ivy so I don’t plan to do much this weekend. I have to…