Beyonce vs Mercury Meme Misses The Point

Beyonce vs Mercury Meme Misses The Point

Ah, don’t you love inter-generational rivalry? My music/clothes/cars/whatever-else-you-have trumps yours! If there’s anything that’s fair game it’s that whatever is new is always crap compared to my generation! And as sure as you roll your eyes when someone says it about the things you like today, given time, you’ll probably utter a similar treatise on…

Lois Hudson Walden Obituary

Goodbye Aunt Lois

We found out Sunday that the last of my Grandmother’s siblings had passed away. My grandmother, the oldest of ten children, was 25 years older than her baby sister Lois. In fact, Granny got married later the same year Aunt Lois was born. They were still close, though. Not to minimize anyone’s grief as we…

Screenshot of a photo posted on Facebook

Web of Lies

There’s an element of our society that I’ll never understand. Well, there are probably many, but specifically, it’s the people who cook up stories and post them online and wait for their falsehoods to spread. I’m not talking politics or scandals here, but just completely fake stories with no motivation I can understand, often with…

Chart illustrating the issue in finding a problem versus creating one

Facebook Promoted Posts – Business As Usual?

I’d been reading various places that Facebook was going to roll out “promoted posts” soon – most interestingly, the earlier bits of info. I’d read on it indicated it was for individuals not Facebook Business pages, i.e. you’d pay for your friends to read your news if it were dear enough to you… I still…

My Pinterest Boards are much fewer Tonight

Pinterest on Pause

My last three posts are something of a roller coaster, but this will probably be my last on the subject of Pinterest for awhile. As I explained previously, I’m good with people sharing my work so long as it links back to me. After all, word of mouth is powerful advertising! It’s that connection back…

Brooklyn Bridge in the Winter Sun

Start Spreading The News – I’m Leaving Today

Okay, I lie a little, I’m leaving tomorrow, and it’s not New York bound but a New York departure. Still, those lyrics have been in my head all evening. And I honestly can’t decide whether it’s a happy or sad departure. I think we’ll call it bittersweet. There’s certainly a side of me that’s looking…

NYC Subway Natural framing

Getting Lost in New York City – There’s an App for that!

After yesterday’s travel adventure, it didn’t take much of a crystal ball to foresee a late start to the day. But it was a nice late sleep and then I woke up to a fantastic day in New York. The temps today were close to 60 degrees! It was like they brought back fall just…