Spotify is Annoying

Spotify is Annoying

I’ve tried to like Spotify, and I suppose as a service where I can listen to new music – i.e. try before buying, it works but beyond that I don’t understand what the fuss is all about. I find it about as user friendly as a rash. Half the time when I listen to music…

Follow Me So I can Not Follow You Anymore

The Twitter Effect

In case you were wondering, this is an excellent illustration of what I don’t like about Twitter and it’s cousin, Google Plus. If you’re wondering what you’re looking at, it’s not a piece of strange art but an anonymous screenshot for someone who uncircled me this evening on G+. In this person’s circles, 30 people…

Needs Versus Wants

Needs Versus Wants

It’s been two months since I had a full-fledged iPhone at my disposal. And not only has it been a cheaper two months, it’s been an oddly liberating experience. I’ve read about various people taking digital sabbaticals over the past year and honestly wasn’t moved to try it for myself. You see, I do like gadgets….

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Rockfest 1999

As many years as I’ve blogged (off and on, not consistently I fear), it’s amazing to me some time to look back on memories that I was sure I blogged and discover, nope I didn’t. It’s like my memories are somehow now in text form even if they aren’t?! Take today, I was reminded of…

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And Along Came a Monitor

I know monitor’s change, after all, if you are using them for color sensitive things like design or photography, you’re expected to calibrate them regularly. And over my years of doing photography, I’ve been able to tell when my monitor needs it even without handy reminders that the new software provides. Still, I’m convinced over…

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Absolutely Random

I need to do a separate post on Doctor Who thus far this series, but I will go ahead and say my favorite episode so far is without question The Doctor’s Wife – the episode written by Neil Gaiman.  I think I watched it four times, the only episode this series I’ve watched twice already. I…

Thanks for Ten Great Years

Farewell Smallville

The end of an era, the end of Smallville. It’s funny actually, the entire first season of Smallville had passed before I watched the first episode. The second season was underway already! Partly work was to blame, but mostly I had written the show off without seeing it. It was basically Dawson’s Creek mixed with…

Rebuilt Pop Up Camper

Camper Re-Use

Sorry for the absence in internet land. When the weather finally looked up again here, I spent my time hunting for a phantom energy drain in the camper van. Considering my relative lack of knowledge about all things automotive, I’m proud to have finally traced the drain back to a faulty alternator that was still…

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Commercial World

One of my favorite videos on the subject of commercialism is the story of stuff. If you haven’t seen it before, I highly recommend it. It provides an awesome explanation of why our current cycle of consumerism can’t last forever. In a nutshell, we use more and more resources on goods that are largely disposed…

Slave to the Grind

Slave to the Grind

I’ve shared my own story already, so I’ll try no to re-tread there too much. It’s taken me awhile to get to this topic for the very reason that I did share my story and I’m hard pressed to come up with a lot to add but I’d like some conversation with others who have…

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Tiny Houses

I very nearly fell down the same rabbit hole that so much of America has. When I applied for a mortgage for my first home, the bank approved me for much more than I wanted. In my favor at least, I didn’t see the sanity in putting more of my salary into monthly payments. But…

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Living in a Van

It’s funny that one of my more popular posts on my personal blog is on Living in a Van Down by the River. It wasn’t a post I expected many people other than immediate friends and family to read but I can see through my stats that a lot of eyes land on it. I’m…

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Back to Cancun

There will be a lot of beach photos to show for my time in Playa del Carmen. That and relaxing memories. Despite hours and hours of walking, when it’s a beach, it’s just by default relaxing! There were unfortunately a lot of rainy days and some gray weather. On the good side it didn’t rain…

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Back in the Yucatan!

Gosh, where to start?! I’ve been painfully lax in keeping the blog up-to-date this trip. Partially I guess due to the busted netbook. Thought about using a net cafe this afternoon but the couple I saw were packed so back to ye olde iPhone. The ride from Palenque to Merida was rough. You don’t really…