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Costa Rica Discovered

Exhausted but here! I drove back to the ATL late Saturday and still had to pack. The result is next to no sleep to make 6:45am flight and minimally a forgotten Spanish phrase book. Oh well! Flight to Houston was late and full. Literally ran to next gate and into line to board. No layover…

Street Photography - picture of people on London's Millennium Bridge

On The Horizon

I’m still working on photos from England in September and my next trip is literally on the horizon.  I’ll be in Costa Rica just a few days after Christmas, and in Nicaragua when the New Year rolls around.  I’ll accumulate more photos, so I really have to buckle down and finish with London already!  I…

Is It Midnight?

Okay, for weeks, I’ve been hating how dark it was in the morning.  The late sunrise made it seem even harder to rise and shine.  Okay, I never shine, but I do rise.  Now the sun is going down too early.  There is no winning is there? Where to begin on updates?  Hmmm…  I don’t…

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I Can Laugh Now

Picture this, I had to go to Chicago on a business trip this past week.  There wasn’t a lot of advance notice, but it was not the first time, so I sailed through the trip arrangements and off I went. Arrived Monday afternoon for an all day meeting Tuesday.  Tuesday flew by, quite busy, and…

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What Was That

That was my time in the UK whizzing past at a bit over the speed of sound.  I fly back in the morning.  I should rightly be in bed already.  I for some reason thought I had a flight back around 1pm but checked the print out when I got back in tonight and realized…

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Looking Back

I have no idea where to begin.  I really haven’t properly logged my experience in Cornwall, and I don’t have my notes with me and I’m bushed.  For the moment, we’ll leave it at incredible.  Newquay was a gorgeous piece of earth, as was all of Cornwall.  It was the quintessential English experience, even if the…

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Paris Maybe Not

Arrived back I’m London late afternoon to a bit of an issue. There was a fire in the tunnel under the English channel. All service today canceled. A descision on tomorrow to be made overnight. I’m at the train station now to sort out what I can do. Very lucky to have booked a room…

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Where Lands End

Day 3 in the UK.  I wandered a lot my first afternoon. Bright and early the next morning was my meeting with the Haggis Tour bus for my Cornwall tour.  It’s a relatively small group of 10, which I think is fairly good as tours go. First day was making our way down to Newquay…

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Fuel Required

Although I was doing my usual scampering around at the last minute Saturday, getting to the airport that night was relatively simple. Hardly any wait for the train, chech-in, or security. I walked the whole distance from the main terminal to E gates, hoping to tire myself out so I might sleep on the flight….

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New Posts Coming

Okay, I’ve had news of one type or another (nothing overwhelmingly earth shattering or anything), but have just been a complete slacker lately.  I could write one overwhelmingly long post and bore everyone to death, or attempt to break it into smaller more digestible chunks.  I’m going for the chunks route.  At least then news…

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Coming Together

The past few weeks have been busy as usual. Work has been demanding of late, and I’ve been trying to get ready for a photo show that was on Friday. It was one of those things I kept meaning to put out there for everyone and never got around to it except for a bulletin…

Hot Air Balloon picture over the Valley of the Kings in Egypt

End Of Morning

Alas, the end of the sunrise hot air balloon photos shuffles to an end. The flight was a bit over an hour. I took a 100 pictures in the first maybe 20 minutes and then I sort of relaxed and just soaked it in. The most dramatic light was past and it was really down…

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On This Day in 1903

One hundred and five years ago, my grandmother was born in the tiny community of Midway, Alabama. She was the eldest child of Joseph & Gertha Johnston, and was born at the home of her grandparents, Proctor & Lula Johns. My grandmother, who I called Ma-Ma, also called her grandmother Johns the same. They were…

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Random Inspiration

It’s very interesting where we find inspiration sometimes. For a few years now, I’ve been a casual reader of Wil Wheaton’s blog.  Yes, Wil Wheaton AKA Wesley Crusher of Star Trek.  For one reason or another, I relate to some of the things he has to say, which I would never have anticipated, but same…

Late afternoon on the Sahara in Egypt near Aswan

Shadows on the Sahara

It seems hard to believe my trip to Egypt ended over a month ago, but that was January and even February is speeding to a conclusion. Where does time go? I’ve been busy with work lately. And when not busy with work, doing some spring cleaning and organizing. I know it’s not spring, but when…

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Not So Exotic Bugs

The last few days in Egypt, I had a cough, which was particularly rough when we got back to the smog of Cairo. I thought the smog was what started things, but as I looked back, it started before we returned to Cairo. Still, when I got back, it did improve (so was likely worsened…