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The Long Ride Home

So, it’s Sunday, and I finally have the energy to relate the journey back to metro ATL. I was good for my word and got an early start. Unfortunately, I had piddled about the night going through the photos from the day and such, so I got only about 6 hours of sleep. In the…

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It’s History

Last day in Williamsburg. Ah, a mixture of melancholy. More to do, but time to go. Although I had dreams of making an early start today, I was wiped last night. I notied glancing over my BLOG from last night that I made some really bad typos. I mean, there are typos, and then there…

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Another Day in Virginia

Wow, it’s quiet tonight; I mean needle-hit-the-floor-and-echoes quiet. I didn’t realize the level of noise here until tonight. You see, the same day I arrived here, a bus load of high school students descended as well. Every room around me was filled with them. They were failry well-behaved, but it’s still a lot of kids,…

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Alpharetta to Asheville

Not a ton to report from the first leg of the journey. Got an early start this morning (for me), leaving Alpharetta around 8am. The stretch to Greenville got pretty monotonous. Shift right to pass, shift back left, shift right again… joy…. There’s not much of visual interest once you pass the lakes as the…

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Down Home

Longggggg week at work. I was planning to do “flex time” – i.e. work 40 hours in 4 days to have a long weekend. Not for fun per se. I had a dentist appointment today (and yes, my Dentist is here until he retires) and I also ended up needing rear brake bads replaced, so…

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Weekend Wandering

askHad a nice weekend. I got jack done at home of the things I should have done, but sometimes that’s better. Saturday I slept until noon… yes… noon. And then I napped some more. I did finish painting the trim on the stairs that night but that’s all I accomplished for the entire weekend. I…

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Cannot Deny Geekiness

So, despite being cool yesterday, in an almost fall-like manner, the sun was bright and beautiful. I know this because I saw it from my window. Despite my gung-ho attitude to get out and enjoy Saturday, I was tired and bum-like and barely stirred before noon. And when I was finally up and moving, I…

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Paint & Hobo Dreams

I did manage to get some trim painting done. Of course, half-way through, the phone rings. I reach for the upstairs cordless (yes, I’m so anal the little electronic message on it says “upstairs”) only to discover that it says “place on cradle. Oops, the extension cradle is normally in the hall and has been…

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Where went the weekend?

Sunday evening has rolled around and the weekend was incredibly short. Had dinner with April after work Friday and then ran and grabbed some stuff I needed from Wal-Mart before coming home to continue my work on the painting. Did only a bit before succumbing to the need for sleep. Saturday, I only did a…

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Aimless Chatter

So, the painting of my hall and stairwell continues. I’m going from a mossy green to a stark white, so this is not exactly a one coat thing. I liked the green but just too dark for a windowless area with average height ceilings (that being the hall upstairs). Even incomplete, I am much happier…

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My Head is Full

Trying to get back into the habit of semi-regular exercise, which in winter is hard for me. I have a treadmill (thanks to my Mom breaking her ankle a few years ago and not being allowed to do weight-bearing exercise anymore), but there’s little I find more boring. I listen to music most of the…

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Farewell Red

Last weekend was my first trip home since being in Rome. It wasn’t just a pleasure visit, I had to see my dentist for some ongoing dental work. I had to have some bone removed that’s affecting my bite. A couple more visits before everything is done. I could whine about the soreness or the…

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A New WET Year

Off to a spectacular start for the new year if you’re a fish. This is becoming a trend for me as New Years in Edinburgh last year was so wet that I went and watched a movie… now there’s an idea… I had something somewhere that mentioned there were english movies – could be interesting…