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Life After A Stroke

It’s been 8 weeks since Dad had his stroke. I think I could write a book if I talked about everything that’s happened since but it wouldn’t be a very entertaining read. So I’ll hit the highlights. Dad was at Grady a little over a week after his stroke. He probably would have been moved…

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Eye Feel Anxiety

There’s something about going to see an eye doctor that always feels me with dread. It’s not that I’ve ever had a bad experience with one, mind you. Still, I manage to build it up pretty much every time. There’s something about having someone peer into your head at things you can’t see. What might…

Lois Hudson Walden Obituary

Goodbye Aunt Lois

We found out Sunday that the last of my Grandmother’s siblings had passed away. My grandmother, the oldest of ten children, was 25 years older than her baby sister Lois. In fact, Granny got married later the same year Aunt Lois was born. They were still close, though. Not to minimize anyone’s grief as we…

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Getting The Red Out

It’s fun when something amusing happens in the mist of misery! Okay, I exagerrate, but it’s allergy season and medicine puts a dent in it but at the peak of whatever pollens are hitting me, it’s never a complete reversal of the symptoms. This week has been particularly rough on the eyes which to me…

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A Year Later

Hard to believe it’s been over a year since I put my house up for sale and left my employer of  a decade in the metro Atlanta area.  It’s actually more in the range of a year and a month, I’d literally lost count and thought it was this month.  How time flies! I expected…

Extended Stays

So, last Friday was my final day at Equifax.  I’ll still be back and forth to Atlanta for a bit until I move my stuff in storage and won’t entirely cut ties until I manage to sell my house, but soon, I’ll get to move onto another chapter of my life.  A little travel and…

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I Can Laugh Now

Picture this, I had to go to Chicago on a business trip this past week.  There wasn’t a lot of advance notice, but it was not the first time, so I sailed through the trip arrangements and off I went. Arrived Monday afternoon for an all day meeting Tuesday.  Tuesday flew by, quite busy, and…

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New Posts Coming

Okay, I’ve had news of one type or another (nothing overwhelmingly earth shattering or anything), but have just been a complete slacker lately.  I could write one overwhelmingly long post and bore everyone to death, or attempt to break it into smaller more digestible chunks.  I’m going for the chunks route.  At least then news…

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Coming Together

The past few weeks have been busy as usual. Work has been demanding of late, and I’ve been trying to get ready for a photo show that was on Friday. It was one of those things I kept meaning to put out there for everyone and never got around to it except for a bulletin…

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On This Day in 1903

One hundred and five years ago, my grandmother was born in the tiny community of Midway, Alabama. She was the eldest child of Joseph & Gertha Johnston, and was born at the home of her grandparents, Proctor & Lula Johns. My grandmother, who I called Ma-Ma, also called her grandmother Johns the same. They were…

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Random Inspiration

It’s very interesting where we find inspiration sometimes. For a few years now, I’ve been a casual reader of Wil Wheaton’s blog.  Yes, Wil Wheaton AKA Wesley Crusher of Star Trek.  For one reason or another, I relate to some of the things he has to say, which I would never have anticipated, but same…

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North Georgia Amble

I had grand plans today to get an early start and ride up to the mountains and catch the sunrise on what I hoped would be some good fall color. What actually happened was waking up to see the sun already having risen. Hmm… change of plans… I had a leisurely morning and headed up….