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DragonCon X

In honor of what would have been my 10th consecutive DragonCon. I’m not heart broken at having missed it. If I had wanted to go bad enough, I would have delayed surgery on my foot. I wasn’t excited about going this year and had yet to even purchase tickets when the surgery was planned two…

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I Will Survive

Surgery yesterday was both earlier than expected and longer than expected. I had gone home to pick up my Mom the day before and the phone rang at their house and I saw it was the hospital. I answered expecting they wanted to speak to me, but they asked for Mom. I gather they hadn’t…

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No Threes Please

Today was back to find out the results of the MRI. Has anyone ever gotten a concrete answer from these things or is just me? Well, I’ve got good news anyway.  I have not torn or broken anything.  Tendons all intact.  Bones mostly intact.  It appears, and the x-ray showed this, that I did chip…

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My Lucky Day?

Okay, getting ready for the show and life in general has had me hopping for weeks, so I’ve had precious little opportunity to get out with the camera. Show behind me, I figured this morning I’d get up early and get out. Of course, I get up and the sky is dark with clouds, but…

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Days of Leisure?

The company I work for occasionally offers discount tickets to the odd event or amusement park. But for the first time in 8 years, they gave their employees and family members the opportunity to visit Atlanta’s High Museum for free! Shockers! The moment I saw that I knew I was going. I haven’t been to…

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No News is….

Not sure where the “no news is good news” thing comes from.  I guess it has it’s good points, but as the continuing knee saga unfolds… I’m not sure I agree… After weeks of physical therapy, I went back to the orthopedist last week.  I had improvement in physical therapy, but in the end, I…

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The Brevity Of Life

Yvonne, Jimmy, and Mike Lewis Originally uploaded by Marksda1. 1949 – My Mom’s sister, Yvonne Wilson Lewis (1922-2007) with her sons, Jimmy (1942-2000) and Mike Lewis (born 1944). Today I was on the phone for a long conference call and two times I saw my folks # pop up under my home line. When the…

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So, I saw the doctor today.  Not my regular doctor who is sick but another in his practice.  I was telling my Mom last night (appointment was yesterday but rescheduled because doctor was out) that I was kind of glad that I was seeing another doctor. 

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Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah

First for just an FYI, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m selling prints of some of my shots at Imagekind, a print on demand service.  These are nice prints and you can get them professionally matted and framed by the same service. Feel free to spread the word.  If there are shots you’ve seen here…

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Not that I Needed This

Saw the doctor today for my follow-up on the knee problem. And… Arthritis… or rather the beginnings of arthritis…  possibly caused by some sort of injury to my knee earlier in life.  I think I may remember it.  I’m not the most graceful person on earth, so lord knows I could have banged my knees…

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Achy Old Joints

So, I saw the doctor today about the pain in my left knee. Nothing readily wrong with it. So, he prescribed an anti-inflammatory and sent me for x-rays.  I go back a week from Thursday to review the x-rays and see how things are.  If I’m lucky, I’ve just unwittingly pulled a muscle or tendon…

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I Was Really There

Car back! Still without a decent computer, but at least I can cart my butt around again. Baby steps, people, baby steps… Without my laptop, I haven’t really looked at these in detail, but just skimming them gave me the sensation I was about to hop back on that bus in the morning. Getting ahead…

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Off To A Bang

Okay, to put things in perspective, it’s not the end of the world, not remotely, but I’m hoping that beginning the year with a weather-canceled street party is not indicative of where 2007 is going. Summing up my return to the U.S. of A. Nearly missed a tight connecting flight from Newark to Atlanta.  Barely…

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So, I’ve been nearly absentee lately. Terribly behind on responding to messages and comments, etc., but the end of the year has had my real world life hopping. Work, work, work and no time to even think about my trip at the end of the month! One more week of work and then off on…

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How I Spent My Day

So, I guess if you don’t stroke your own ego, who will? I did go down to the My Atlanta photo show in Piedmont Park today and posted four of my Atlanta shots from between now and spring. All of them are featured in a previous journal at my deviant art gallery. Now, putting this…

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Down Home

Longggggg week at work. I was planning to do “flex time” – i.e. work 40 hours in 4 days to have a long weekend. Not for fun per se. I had a dentist appointment today (and yes, my Dentist is here until he retires) and I also ended up needing rear brake bads replaced, so…

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Weekend Wandering

askHad a nice weekend. I got jack done at home of the things I should have done, but sometimes that’s better. Saturday I slept until noon… yes… noon. And then I napped some more. I did finish painting the trim on the stairs that night but that’s all I accomplished for the entire weekend. I…

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Paint & Hobo Dreams

I did manage to get some trim painting done. Of course, half-way through, the phone rings. I reach for the upstairs cordless (yes, I’m so anal the little electronic message on it says “upstairs”) only to discover that it says “place on cradle. Oops, the extension cradle is normally in the hall and has been…